In an attempt to clear all of these demos off of my hard drive, today I'm going to talk a little bit about The UnderGarden. I wasn't expecting much from this game but it's simplicity astounded me in various ways.
I started the demo and it enveloped me in beautiful landscapes with soothing music and vibrant colours, and then I paid attention to who I was playing as. The first thought in my head was "What the Hell?" The game itself is very well polished and I can certainly say that the characters are anything but generic. The main character looks like...a cross between a Mudkip and a human baby. Our sources say that many of the characters that you will encounter throughout the game all have the fairy tale look to them so it definitely does set up for a strange array of characters.
The UnderGarden, given to us by Atari and Vitamin G has the same skeleton as a game such as Little Big Planet but the insides are completely different. The UnderGarden is basically a puzzle game where you navigate through different worlds attempting to pollinate fruit trees, plants, and "flora" and that's it. You have to pollinate every tree and plant that you can find and get through the puzzles without frustration. Prior to the plant pollination, the gardens/worlds are a dark place, very deep tones such as navy and dark blue though all of that changes once pollination occurs.
My only fear about the game is that if I were to journey deeper and deeper into the world that Vitamin G has created, I would forget that I was actually playing a puzzle game. I'm afraid that I would get stuck and be unable to progress any further because I would be so entranced by the beauty that I would forget the objective.
For the little while that I played it, I enjoyed it thoroughly but I'm not sure if it's a game that I would be able to spend a copious amount of hours on. Keeping in mind that I quit Little Big Planet half way through because I found it to be redundant.
Download it on the PSN/XBLA or even purchase it for the PC and experience it for yourself!
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