
Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Set to be released on 6/1/11 and published by Bethesda Softworks, is another game titled Hunted: The Demon's Forge.  There is very little talk throughout the gaming community about this game, which makes the thought of purchasing it even more enticing.

From what our sources say, the story revolves around two main characters: E'lara and Caddoc.  Both characters are soldiers in battle and they journey around the world on a mission to find villagers that have been disappearing ever since corrupted and heinous creatures have been emerging from the depths of the Earth.  In a nutshell, it's a protagonist/antagonist clash between heroes and villains.  Even the premise of this plot sounds promising, even with the limited amount of information given to us at this time.

As for the game play, the game will not only have a single player story mode but it will also be accompanied by a co-op multiplayer WITHOUT split screen.  I've heard of millions of co-op multiplayer games with split screen but I have yet to experience a game where you don't have to worry about how tiny your screen is, and who's player is on the top half or the bottom half.  At least there won't be any debates about 'screen peeking'.

Let's talk a little more about the characters.

E'lara is an elf who specializes with bows and light weaponry, she is a fighter from the very depths of her soul and is extremely hostile and dangerous.  Her part in the plot is that her fellow villagers were murdered by creatures deemed 'minotaurs' when she was a young girl and she was the only survivor of the massacre.

Her specialized weapon is a bow called 'Sky Splitter' and her specialized spell is called 'Dragons Breath.'

Caddoc is most definitely the strongest out of the duo, he is a fierce warrior who wields a frightening weapon titled the Brutal Cudgel.  Caddoc is calm and collected but is extremely intellectual in every aspect of his life.  When he was a young boy, a harsh and rash decision that he made forced him to lose his lover and therefore he watches every step that he takes and makes sure that every move that he makes is a good one.  Ever since the accident where he lost the love of his life, he refuses to get emotionally attached to those he saves.

As for the villains/the monsters, we'll give you a small list so you can get a taste of what you are to experience.  There are frightening Demons, they are the most feared creature in the game because they are created out of pure evil.  The second creature that you should be wary of are Wargar Guardians.  They are known to hide underground but as the days have gotten darker, they have been known to walk above ground now.  They worship their Queen, the Queen of Darkness.

Overall you can expect similar gameplay as Gears of War with the RPG aspect but focussing more so on the co-operative elements of the game, with a unique take on a plot.

Take a look at the trailer via (Machinima) and stay tuned for our next update.


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