
PSN Continues To Stay Offline

Posted By: Bretto

The Playstation Network ( PSN ) has now been offline for a couple of days. Sony Entertainment claims that maintenance they are performing is due to server issues in Japan, however, many Playstation users are starting to believe other wise.  If you make a call to sony asking for information on the issue, they will simply say they do not know any information other than maintenance is being performed and it should take a day or two (as of April 21 2:00 A.M. Eastern). 

Earlier this year, the internet known group "Anonymous" began sending threats to Sony, in regards that they were taking advantage of their customers, insinuating they would be coming after Sony via the Playstation Network. An update was soon sent out by the group saying they would be coming after Sony and not the users. 

With the current PSN events and lack of information we are receiving about the PSN downtime, it is looking more and more likely that Anonymous might have some involvement. Furthermore, Anonymous has stated they have nothing to do with the PSN problems at this time, but would not rule out other Anonymous followers as possible disturbers.

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