
New Marais Needs a Hero... Or Not.

Hey guys, Kristastrxphe here, and I'm looking over at the clock on my computer screen to see that its almost 4am, so I'll try to keep this short and come back to it later.
As of yesterday, PS3 owners were given a brand new teaser trailer for one of its big exclusive hits, inFamous [See video below for new inFamous 2 graphic trailer].
inFamous 2 looks to be just as promising as the first did, just as exciting, and classic comic book hero.
Sucker Punch has a few new ideas and tricks up their sleeve though, like new powers, changing the way Karma was done. Personally I wouldn't have changed the way Karma is done, but from what it seems, the new style will work just as good.

inFamous 2 currently has a "TBA 2011" status for release.

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