
Kristastrxphe's Killzone 3 Review!

 First of all, I'd like to say that I think I am pretty picky when comes to playing First Person Shooters.
I generally enjoy the ones that have crazy weapons, like lasers, flamethrowers, shrink rays, cannons that melt anything in its path; except Halo. I never liked that one. I also do not really enjoy ones with realistic weapons and have 6 different types of pistols, shotguns, machine guns, and grenade/rocket launchers.

Another thing about shooters that makes me quite picky is generally the story is either not there, not important, or kind of hinted at but not discussed. I’m sorry; I play intense RPGs that focus on storytelling. Shooters generally lack in this category. Or the story isn’t interesting to me.

The shooter I’m talking about today, however, is the new Playstation exclusive title, Killzone 3. I decided to pick up this game, along with the Sharpshooter gun accessory to go along with my PS Move and Navi motion controllers. I mean, I bought the Move, so why not use it? It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Aha, you probably thought I meant that as a bad thing. Well, let me tell you. Killzone 3 has everything one could hope for in a first person shooter… Or, everything I would want, I should say: It has extremely solid controls, and is extremely accurate and precise using the Move and Sharpshooter. It has the guns. Yeah, most of them are basic normal ones, like pistols, shotguns, machine guns, snipers, etc… But it also has the more exciting guns, in my opinion, such as flamethrowers and a laser cannon that makes anything it touches scream in agony before combusting into a cloud of neon green smoke. Now, that is the shit. Killzone 3 also has the engaging story, continuing the story from the first two Killzone games, to put an end to a great trilogy.
On top of having the controls, the accuracy, the story, and the guns, it also has those little bonus things that break away from traditional shooters. Such as driving a giant mech suit blasting a new path, or gunning a tank or airship, or flying a jet pack, or driving in a high-speed chase in the snow-covering mountains of the Helghan’s planet.

Killzone 3 should not, will not, and doesn’t disappoint. It has the BEST looking graphics on the PS3 to date, and with sooo much action going on, pretty much at all time, I am amazed that there is practically no lag what-so-ever.
I most definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys shooters, even if you’re picky about them.*
And for that extra “awesome” feel to it, pick up the Move, Navi and Sharpshooter, and give FPS games the change it deserves, and needs.

Killzone 3 get's a perfect 10 out of 10 and has a spot reserved in my nominees of Best Game of 2011.

*Disclaimer: As of right now, I am still currently playing Killzone 3, and have not completed the game.
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