
PS3 MOVE Predictions: Shooters

Are you wondering whether or not to buy a PS3 move if you are a FPS or TPS type of person? Coming up very soon are 2 PS3 exclusives, being Killzone 3 and Socom 4, that are going to make you ponder this question so here is what I've been hearing and what I think you should do.

People that have been playing MAG with the MOVE are saying they enjoy playing it, and that after getting used to it, it's easier than using a dual shock. I'm here to say that its all just hype. It's going to be fun for people who game casually, or for the audience who enjoys entertaining their company when they come over. But, do you really want to be sitting in your room playing Socom 4 and after 30 minutes of playing your arms begin to feel like they are going to fall off?

My recommendation is... If you are a hardcore, more than 3 times a week gamer, you need to stick to the sticks on your dual shock for blasting your enemies! Unless the MOVE contains rapid firing options, or some other significant advantage, I advise you to save your money for another controller or game.

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